To the same. Contrabreve to cause William de Haverhulle to have 103/. 175. to pay for {acquietanda) wines bought by him for the king's use : to w^it for the use of John de Gisorz 11. 10s. for 5 tuns of Gascony wine ; for the use of John le Gras 10/. 10s. for 7 tuns of Gascony
wine ; for the use of John de Jac 19/. 10s. for 14 tuns of Gascony wine,
and 40s. for two tuns of Gascony wine of the prise ; for the use
of Wilhani Durnun 121. for 8 tuns of Gascony wine ; for the use
of Gerard de Hospitali 121. for 8 tuns of Gascony wine ; for the use of
Peter Gerard 71. for 5 tuns of Gascony whie,and 40[s.] for two tuns of
Gascony wine of the prise ; for the use of Amancus Banafos 151. 8s.
for 11 tuns of Gascony wine ; for the use of Peter de Serres 41. 4s.
for 3 tuns of Gascony wine ; for the use of Ehas Barbe 41. for 4 tims
of Gascon}' wine of the prise ; for the use of John de Sancto Alard[o]
40s. for 2 tuns of Gascony wine of the prise ; for the use of Bertin 40s.
for 2 tinis of Mine of La Rochelle of the prise ; for the use of Alan
de Ispan[nia] 20s. for one tun of wine of La Rochelle {de RapelV)
of the prise ; and for the use of the porters {bermannorum) and for
hoops and bars 55s.