Description (Repository) |
warin pictor
170 Grant by William Capellanus, proc. of SBH, to Warin Pictor (s) of land and houses without Newgate opposite the cemetery of St Sepulchre, between land and houses of Roger Piscarius in the E., the land of SBH in the W., ext. from the highroad to the land of William Taillefer. Rent: 6s. Wit. Laurence de Frowik, aid., Thomas Mercerius, Edmund Otte, John Noel, William Taillefer, Richard Rotarius, Walter Waterlade, Roger Bonsire, Robert Cordewanarius, William de Camera, Gilbert de Cranford, beadle, Alexander Clericus. [c. 1240]. I I 8-9/1209 |