Description (Repository) |
william de viteri
279 Quitclaim by William de Viteri (s) to SBH Of his right to land opposite the S. side of SBH and also of his right to land he held of the canons of St Bartholomew and which surrounds the first mentioned land on the N., S., and E. Wit. Roger le Duc, mayor of L., Henry de Cocham, Stephen Bukerell, sheriffs of L., Richard Reinger, Joyce son of Peter, ald., Willian Joinier, Andrew Bukerel, Michael de St Helena, John Viel, John de Wbume, Robert de Grettune, Ellis Aurifaber, Roger Pistor, Reynold Lungeiambe, Edmund le Mercier. [1227-8]. 155/ 131. Moore i, 330 |