A 55
Quitclaim by Walter of Westminster heir of Master Odo of Westmunster to Thomas Cros and Edmund Horn, wardens of the bridge house. and to the brethern of the same house, of all his rights in five acres of land lying outisde hte bar of Sutwerke beside a certain brdige called ‘la boke’; in a croft called Carpentereshawe, enclosed with ditches and hedges, between the land of Alan de ybernia [Hybernia] on the N and the land of John called Meleward on the E, and extending from the highway on the N of hte land of Master richard on the S. in consideration of which quitclaim the wardens and brethern of the bridge have give a mark of silver
witnesses – william dymmok’ William . .1 . . . . welle . . . 2. . . . and Grapeis. Henry Grapeis . John Meleward. William Franceis chaundeller. Ralph Barbur and many others.
1 berne
small reg f27d no 158
large f244 no 267