Description (Repository) |
undated indenture (1237-8)
Grant by Robert the Chaplain and Serlo the mercer, proctors of London bridge, with the consent of the city of London, to Ralph Aswy, of three shilling worth of rent which Thomas de Haverhill’ left by will to London bridge form the land formerly belonging to Renier Cusin in Wdstrete, for an annual rent of 6d. In consideration of which grant the said Ralph gave to the fabric of London bridge 20s as ‘gersuma’.
witnesses: Richard Renger, then mayor, John le Thulusand and Gervase the cordwainer then sheriffs. Stephen Buckerell then alderman. Josce fitz(filius) Peter. Stephen de Oystregate. John de Coudres. Ralph Aswy, goldsmith. William his brother. Robert Long butcher. Robert de Fuleham. Adam goldsmith. Robert de Deneby. Gervase the mercher. Richard Doinkin. Gervase the vintner and many others.,
7x 7 ½
no seal |