Grant by John Burgeis to Robert Curthese of part of the land which he demised to Roger le lokiere in the parish of St Olave Suwercke; lying between the land which belonged to walter Frikeware towards the S. and the land of the said Roger towards the N.; for an annula quit rent of 1d. Gersumia 2s.
Hervey Focher; Ralph de Hibernia; William belami; Henry Ruffo; John the cook (coco); William the vintner (vinitar'); William le Wolkere; Robert the clerk and many others
Large Reg f.224 no.225; Small Reg f.35 no.137
A Jn Burgess, draper, named in Plea & Mem Rolls 1323-64 pp.244, 260 (1354, 1363)