Description (Repository) |
Grant by Hammund de Wrocchulle, clerk, to Richard de Karltone, of five acres of land without the bar of Suwerke to maintain a chaplain and a decon in the chapel of London bridge to celebrate mass for the sould of Godard the late chaplain, and the souls of all the faithful departed; the which land his beside a certain bridge called la loke, in a croft called ‘carpentereshaghe’, enclosed with hedges and ditches, between the land of richard eswy on the N, and the land of Henry Jukel on the S., and extending from the king’s highway on the E as far as the land of Master Richard the clerk on the W. ‘ gersuma’. 23m of the money which belonged to the deceased godard.
witnesses– geoffrey norman, william his brother; henry martin; John le Chalaner; reginald the forester ; william the usher (hestiarius); Henry Jukel; master richard the clerk; amisius de la loke; simon coudry; adam de waleworth; laurence ‘ruffus’ ;
10 x 6 ½
sm f31 no 109 |