Description (Repository) |
Grant by Simon, son and heir of Ralph de Cornhulle, to Ralph the Wolf (lupus) baker, of his land in the parish of St Michael Cornhulle, situated between the land of william le Furmager on the E and the land and houses of John de Honyland on the W, and extending in length from the royal highway on the S to the garden of Roger de Wycestre, clerkm on the N; excepting 4 shops along the street between the housese of the said John de Honyland and the messuage formerly belonging to the said Ralph, father of the grantor: rendering therefor to London bridge 8s per annum, to the fabric of the church of st michael 6d, and the grantor ½ lb. of cummin or 1/d at easter.
witneses== sir william fitz (filius) richard mayor; thomas fitz (filius) thomas and william grapefyge, sheriffs; roger fitz (filius) roger alderman of the ward; john Adryan, draper; william eswy; draper; john le mynur; john de honylane; john norman . . . . . . . .. . . furmager; willima le stolsfyssere; Yngulf the baker; roger le braeler; william tylly, baker; william de watforde; wlater le furmayer; robert the marshal; stephen . . . . . . . . ; henry the clerk; thomas le batur, sergeant of the ward; ranulph the clerk, etc
10 2/5 x 7
lar 584 no 597 . 7
sm f 124d no2 |