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Confirmation by Isabella Juneris(juvene/ iuvenis), daughter of Hawyse La Frowe to London Bridge and the proctors thereof of the grant made to them by her son Ralph, son of Thomas de St Christopher (sco' x'poforo), of land in the parish of St Olave, Suthwerk at the headof her land towards the N, situated between the land of the bridge aforesaid to E and W
Dno' Richard Fitz (filius) Renger, mayor; Roger Duce and Martin Fitz (filius) Ysabel, sheriffs; Henry de St Albans; William Aleman; William coco (the cook); Hervey Fitz (filius) Fulcher fil' Ysabel'; Anger the baker (pistore); William the vintner (vint'); William Chaloner; Gilbert Blundo; Alexander the baker (pistore); Reginald the baker (pistore); Nicholas Chaloner; Walter the sacristan ([sa]crista); Hugh Ruffo; Christian and many others
. Large Reg f.226 no.230; Small Reg f.37 no.151