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tripartite indenture
convention made in the court of the archbishop of canterbury at lambeth in the presence of robert de la wudehalle, bailiff, ‘sir’ robert, perpeetual vicar of lamheth. robert jukel and many trustworthy men, between thomas of the marsh on the one hand, and michael tovi and robert basinges, proctors of London bridge, and the brethern of the same bridge on the other; wherein the said thomas demises to the said proctors etc., for the term of 19 years as from Michaelmas 35 henry III (1250), ten and a half aacres of arable lanf and 2 ½ acres of meadow in the parish of Lambeth; to wit 4 acres in the field called Sueynemed between the land of roger de wassingeham on the n and the creek (fleta) of the said thomas on the S; 2 acres in middelcrofte between the land of william Juvene on the w and the land of helen of the marsh on the E; 2 acres in westhale between the land of johanna de london on the w and the land of william carbonel on the E; 1 acre in wylden’ between the land of helen of the marsh on the s and the creek of the said thomas on the N; 1 acres in cotmannesfelde between the land which belonged to robert le king on the we and the land of godfrey le bugh on the E; ½ acre in middelfordland between the land of henry le meau on the E and the land of alan cockel on the W; and 2 ½ acres of meadow in middelcroft between w(estha)lesdich on the w and the land of N . . . . . . . leman on the E; for 19m of silver. a copy of the agreement to remain with the bailiff of the archbishop
witneses: ‘domini’ nicholas bat; robert de cornhulle; geoffrey de Wynton’ and robert hardel, barons of London; john de la wyke; henry de wyllehale; richard the cooper; william wlward; edward of the wood; richard wyger; john de wassingeham; alan cockel; john aylwich; marin le ganter; payn the clerk and others
9 x 6 3 /10
(the clause of warranty includes a promise of defence against the thames)