grant and quitclaim of a 10s annual rent from lands in milkstreet and honeylane by hugh, procurator and [whiteouted] st bartholomew’s hospital to william joyner
nd c.1212 x c.1230
date wits incl thomas de haverhill
hiis testibus d[ ]no rob[ ]to cap[ ]ll[ ]o elia walt[ ]o de hadfeld[ ] osb[ ]to de campenden[ ] rad[ ]o rufo ei[ ]de[ ] loci frat[ ]bus thom[ ] de hav[ ]hull[ ] tunc ald[ ]r[ ] ric[ ] renger[ ] joh[ ] fil[ ]o petri thom[ ] lamb[ ]ti thom[ ] fil[ ]o ric[ ] ada le taillur ric[ ] derek[ ]in et m[ ]ltis aliis