grant of lands with buildings in st mary magdalen and all saints honey lane parishes by william joyner , citizen to the dean and chapter with pransion for an obit for his soul
1244x 1245
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hiis testibus d[ ]no michaele tovy tu[ ]c maiore london[ ]. rad[ ]o speciar[ ]. et nicholao bat. tu[ ]c vic[ ] london[ ]. steph[ ]o bukerel tu[ ]c ald[ ]manno. joh[ ]e vitale seniore. joh[ ]e norman. rad[ ]o aswy reynero de bu[ ]ghey. joh[ ]e de coudres. ric[ ]o derkin. ada[ ] de lincoln[ ]. joh[ ]e de gisor[ ]. joh[ ]e de wilehal[ ]. rob[ ]to filio joh[ ]is hamone de castello. thoma de wrotham. ada[ ] de basing[ ]. hugone blundo. rob[ ]to de munpellers.et aliis.