Description (Repository) |
John son of Geoffrey Bucointe
479 Grant by John (s) son of Geoffrey Bocointe to SBH of 5s. q. rent from his messuage to be used for the lights of the sick in SBH. Wit. Serle le Mercer, mayor of L., Richard de Wimbeltune, John Viel, sheriffs of L., Joyce son of Peter, ald.,.* Constantine son of Alulph, Amulph his brother, Constantine Juvenis, Gervase Parmentarius, Richard Clericus de Holeburn; William Fructuarius, Matthew, Thomas, chaplains of SBH, William, Thomas, clerks of SBH, Gilbert Dispensator, Thomas Dispensator, Ellis Belebarbe, Hamon de Essexa, Brice le Parmenter, William le Parmenter de Holeburne. [121 9-20]. 214-15/266. Moore I, 315-16
*In the original deed the name is written as Peter son of Joyce, ald. Presumably a clerical error. |