Description (Repository) |
A. 1499. Agreement between John Bocquointe and Juliana his wife,
and John, son of Thomas Bermund, and his heirs, on the one part, and
Reginald de Leges and his heirs, on the other, as to the repairing and
keeping in order of a wall dividing their land, situate by Athelingestrate,
and other matters: for which agreement Reginald has paid 4| marcs.
Witnesses : Sir Roger son of Alan, Mayor of London, Constantine son
of Alulph, Thomas de Haverell, Alan and Jocelin, sons of Peter, Andrew
Nevel, and Robert son of Alice, aldermen, Richard Renger, Wery, Nicholas
and Andrew de Leges, and others (named), [c. A.D. 1213.] |