Description (Repository) |
A. 1646. Grant by the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London,
to William de Wilehale, for 100 marcs, of tenements in the parish of
St. Mary Colecherche, at a yearly rent of 10 marcs. Witnesses: John
de Gys[ors, Mayor of London, Robert de Corn]hell, Adam de Benetleghe,
sheriffs, Ralph Aswi, alderman of the ward, and others (named).
[30 Henry III.] Much injured.
[[[[hta 533. [1246] Grant by Richard prior and convent to William Wylihale (de Wylihale) of certain land with shops, selds and solars built thereon in the parish of Colechirch between Ysmongereslane on the east and the land of Peter son of Alan on the west extending from the king's highway of Cheap to the land of Peytevin the Jew on the north; rent 10 marks p.a.; William and his heirs are not to deteriorate the tenement nor to sell or pledge it to Jews or to other religious [f. 103v]; if the grantee wishes to lease it to others, the prior and convent to have the preference by a bezant of 2s. ; swore fealty; gersuma 100 marks of silver; witnesses, John de Gysors, mayor, Robert de Cornhell, Adam de Bentleghe, sheriffs. ]]]]]
C.A.D., i, A 1646. |