Sale of land [in the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth] by Martin the clerk son of Ordgar the priest of St. Mary Woolchurch to Alan, the purveyor of oats and Rose his wife.
Testibus. Willelmo, Ricardo capellanis de Sancto Benedicto. Iohanne capellano. fratre Martino. Galfrido alderman. Theodorico filio Fulcredi. Willelmo aldermanno. Odone sokereve. Michaele aurifabro. Iohanne de Chereburc. Roberto le Scot. Henrcio le ferrun. Galfrido Bages. Galfrido aurifabro.
236 Sale of land [in the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth] by Martin the clerk son
of Ordgar the priest of St. Mary Woolchurch to Alan, the purveyor of oats and Rose his wife.
Date : Before 1210 (00. 237). MS. : Cartulary, fos. 66r.-66v.
Sciant a presentes et futuri quod ego Martinus clericus filius Ordgari sacerdotis de Wluemarichereche vendidi Alano auenario et Roesie vxori sue pro iiij or marcis et jjjjor sol' et viii d. terram quam tenui in b feodo et hereditate
de monialibus de fonte clericorum, reddendo inde annuatim vii sol' pro omni Seruicio ad ii terminos scilicet ad Pascham iii solidos et vi d. et ad festum Sancti Michaelis iii sol' et vi d., quam terram predictus Manus et Roesia vxor eius prius tenuerunt de me.
Banc vero terram cum duabus solidatis terre de eodern feudo quas Euerardus aurifaber tenuit de me in gardino s-ao vendidi Alano predicto et Roesie vxori sue et heredibus suis habendam et tenendam finabffiter libere et quiete sicut ego [fo. 66v.] illam urnquam melius et liberius tenui de predictis monialibus.
Hanc vero venditionem contra omnes homines et feminas warantizandam illis a-ffidaui et carta mea signaui
Testibus. Wilielmo, Ricardo capellanis de Sancto Benedicto. Iohanne capellano. fratre Martino. Galfrido alderman. Theodorico filio Fulcredi. Willelmo aldermanno. Odone sokereue. Michaele aurifabro. Iohanne de Cheresburc. Roberto -1-6 Scot. Henrico le ferran. Galfrido Bages. Galfrido aurifabro.
a Written in tall narrow letters.
b in feodo et hereditate de monialibus de fonte is written slightly larger.