v0.1 10/04/2024
Witnessing London
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Published Source Cartulary of St Mary Clerkenwell
Event and Participants
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10544938 |
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10544938 |
Description (Repository) |
wlater scogan gives 12d quitrent on his house in the parish of st sepulchre of the fee of st mary clerkenwell. If necesary the nuns or their bailiffs may seize the property but must pay the canons of st bartholomew 12d yearly.
300. Walter Scogan gives 12d. quit-rent on his house in the parish of St. Sepulchre
of the fee of St. Mary Clerkenwell. If necessary the nuns or their bailiffs may seize the property but must pay the canons of St. Bartholomew 12d. yearly.
Date : Before C. 1216/20 (cf. witnesses of no. 315. Before no. 301). MS. : Cartulary, fo. 84r.
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Walterus Scogan dedi et concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmaui pro salute anime mee et ântecessorum meorum monialibus de Clerekenewlf in puram et perpetuam elemosinam duodecim den' quieti redditus per annum de domo mea que est inter domum alutarii et domum Stephani Chakepol percipiendos ad duos terminos sine omni occasione.
Hec autem prenominata domus est de feodo Sancte Marie de Clerek' et est in parochia Sancti Sepulcri et se defendit versus easdem moniales pro xii d. de omnibus seruiciis et exactionibus.
Et quicumque eam tenuerit post decessum meum nisi reddat monialibus de Clerek' den' prenominatos terminis statutis liceat monialibus vel earum bailhuis accipere domum prenominatam in manus suas ex concessu meo et exinde reddere canonicis Sancti Bartholomei xii d. per annum pro omni seruitio et exactione.
Et vt hec mea donatio et concessio stabilis et firma in perpetuum permaneat hanc presentem cartam sigillo meo corroboraui.
Hiis testibus. Winelmo clerico. Willelmo plumbario. Edwardo Lobi. Nicholao de Mimmes. Rogero de Refectorio.a Geruasio Tacon'. Willelmo Singelpin. Gileberto fabro. Galfrido clerico.
a Rector' Cart. Roger de Refectorio occurs in no., 315 as a witness with six of these witnessés. |
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