Description (Repository) |
A. 2562. Sale by Richard de Yspania and Clemencia his wife to
Henry son of Reiner, for 11 marcs given to Richard and a green
upper tunic to Clemencia, of land and rents in the parish of St. Mary of
Sumersetecherche. Witnesses : Roger son of Alan, Mayor, Ralph
Holmant [helyland], Constantine son of Alulf, sheriffs of London, and others (named). Two seals.
hiis testib[ ]. rog[ ] fil alani t[ ]c maiore london[ ]. rad[ ] helmant. cost[ ] fil alulf tu[ ]c vic[ ] lond[ ]. will[ ] fil renn[ ]. thom[ ] de hav[ ]elle. alano fil[ ] pet[ ]. alano balon[ ]. rob[ ] fil[ ] alic[ ]. will[ ]. mart[ ] fr[ ]ib[ ] ei[ ]. joh[ ] t[ ]vers. rob[ ] burel. mainard tymb[ ]mans. rob[ ] bar[ ]. ascolin ruffo. will[ ] de stan[ ]. ham[ ] tymb[ ]. gileb[ ]to bachel[ ]r. ace tymb[ ]. will[ ]o blundo et multis aliis. |