Description (Repository) |
Monday after the Invention of H. Cross [3 May], 12 Edward
I. [A.D. 1284], was read a writing- whereby Adam le
Potter and Sabine his wife, daughter of William de Durem',
conveyed to Aubrey called " Pechoheros,"1 merchant of
Dinaunt, certain houses in the parish of All Hallows de Bredstrete
(received on their marriage from William de Durem'
aforesaid and Sabine his wife, which Sabine inherited the same
from John Vigel her brother), in return for the sum of 46 marks
lent to them by the said Aubrey. To hold the same for a term
of twelve years from Midsummer next, paying to the Hospital
of St. Giles without London an annual sum of i6s., and to the
lord the King- id. for socage. Witnesses, Henry le Waleys, the
Mayor ; Martin Box and Jordan Godchep, Sheriffs ; Anketin de
Betteville, Alderman of the Ward ;2 Walter le Waleys, Richard
de Murtone, Walter le Cordewaner, Alan the Tailor, Beadle of
the Ward, and others [not named]. |