Description (Repository) |
Monday before the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.], 12 Edward I.
[A.D. 1284], was read in full Rusting in Pleas of Lands2 a
writing- of agreement whereby Matilda, daughter of Geoffrey
Jordan, demised to Simon Godard a tenement in the parish
of St. Antonin, near the tenements of Adam de Blakeney and
Robert de Assendon. To hold for a term of five and a half
years from Michaelmas, at an annual rent of 6^ marks.
Witnesses, Henry le Waleys, Mayor; Matthew de Cornhull
and Robert de Roquesle, Sheriffs (the said Henry le Waleys
being Alderman of the Ward3
) ; William le Mazeliner, Adam
de Blakeney, William de Hereford, John de Bonquer, Hugh
Motun, Ralph Adrian, William de "
Beuttune," Alan, Serjeant
of the Ward, John Clerk, and others [not named]. |