Description (Repository) |
clerk [of the tower]. oliver (1172-89) (Clericus de Turrim)
[[[[west ch 382. Confirmation by Roger Bursar (le Borser), mercer, to Jocelin son of Jocelin of Cornhill that neither he nor his heirs will sell or otherwise alienate the land which he holds of Jocelin in the parish of St Michael, Cornhill, lying between the land of William son of Nicholas the goldsmith, and that of Agnes, sister of St Thomas [Becket]. The land will revert to Jocelin or his heirs in the event of he failure of heirs. Roger has sworn to uphold this undertaking in the of Dom William de Sainte Mère Eglise [London, Dec. 1189 x ante 7 Dec. 1199]
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Rogerus le Borser, mercennarius, concessi et huic scripto meo specialiter confirmavi Jocelino filio Jocelini de Cornhill' quod ego nec heredes mei poterimus ullo tempore terram illam quam ab eo teneo in parochia Sancti Michaelis de Cornhill', que est inter terram Willelmi filii Nicholai aurifabri et terram Agnetis sororis Beati Thome, numquam vendere, invadiare, legare, neque aliquo 1 alio modo alienare debemus a dicto Jocelino et heredibus suis. Sed forte si ego vet heredes mei aliquo tempore sine herede de me vel de meis heredibus legittime exeunt ibus obierimus, dictal terral cum edificiis et pertinentiis eidem Jocelino et suis heredibus libere, quiete revertat. Hanc veal concessioneml sine fraude et dolo tenendaml et observandam tactis_ sacrosanctis Ewangeliis pro me et pro heredibus meis, juravi in sou Domini Willelmi Sancte Marie [sic] Ecclesie. Hiis testibus: Galfridc Aldreman; Magistro Hugone, capellano; Waltero de Stebbeheth' Henrico de Chesewik, soquereve; Oliuero, clerico de Turrim; Admundc filio Girardi; Willelmo Foberd; Willelmo Wilequin; Johanne flic Danielis; Johanne Jacob; Main drapario; Hosmundo cordewaner; Johanne Begi; Waltero Lardor; Matheo Pistree; Willemo de Estchep, Galfrido de Estchep; Ada le Gost; Johanne le Gos, Ada diacono, et multis aliis.
MS: (1) WAM 13899.
13.6 x 12.2 cm; t.u. 1.2 cm.
Slots for cords, now missing.
Endorsed: (a) Carta Rogeri le Borser de quadam terra in parochia Sancti Michaelis de Cornhulle Jocelino filio Jocelini de Cornhill concessa (13C). (b) Sacrist' (14C).
MS stained: word supplied from copy.
WAD, f. 368v.
Date: Prob. issued between William de Sainte Mère Eglise's appointment as Dean of St Martin le Grand and his election to the bishopric of London (Fasti I, 2, 48).
Note: See Honeybourne, 'Sanctuary Boundaries', 316-33. |