Description (Repository) |
London. A. 7294. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement between Benedict
the abbot, and the convent, of Strafford, and Peter the prior, and
the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, viz. the said abbot and convent have
granted to the said prior and the canons of Holy Trinity 60 marks, and
40s. quit rent in London, in exchange for two lands, one called 'Luymudhe,'
which Robert the clerk of Westham held, lying next the Lea (Luyam), and
the other called ' Holecuhamma,' lying near the mill of the monks which
is called ' Pikeshoc '; the said 40s. of yearly rent lying in the following
places, viz. in the parish of St. Faith from land which was John de
Mareny's which Geoffrey the Chamberlain held of the said monks, 8s. ; in
the parish of St. Benedict from land which Alfred Finacat held of them,
8s. ; in the parish of St. Nicholas, in the ward of Alan Baalun from land
which Walter ' Tailiator ' who had to wife the daughter of Michael son
of John held of them, 5s. ; in the parish of St. Martin in Candelwrithtestrat
from land which Ralph Long held of them, 7. ; and in the
parish of St. Peter at Cornhill from land which Osbert Rufus held of
them, 12s. Witnesses: Henry son of Ailwin, and others (named).
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