Description (Repository) |
A. 1692. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch,
London, to Richard the Butcher (Macecrario), son of Siwater, of a shop
in Eastcheap, at a yearly rent of 6*., for which tenement he has sworn on the
gospels to be faithful to the said church, and to pay the said rent ; and as
long as he does so he is to hold the shop, which adjoins land of the Hospitallers
of St. Giles. Witnesses : John de Ballio, Alan son of Peter, and others
Endorsed: "Contra Ricardum filium Siwater, macecrier, de soppa in
Macello de Eschepe," &c.
[[[hta 312. [1197-1221] Lease by Peter prior and convent to Richard the Butcher (Mascecario) son of Siwat of a shop in Estcheap; rent 6s. p.a.; swore fealty; [f. 62v] on the south side it is contiguous to the land of the hospital of St. Giles and in depth it is 4 ells 4 ins, and iit width 3 ells 2 ins.; gersuma mark; witnesses, John de Balleo, Alan son of Peter, Nicholas the Butcher.]]]]
C.A.D., i, A 1692. |