Description (Repository) |
A. 1775. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Ralph the Haymerchant (Fenario) and Goda his wife, for 20*., of
the land in St. Dunstan's parish that Stephen the Dyer held next before
them, paying 6*. yearly. Witnesses : Henry, Mayor of London, Robert
Bat, Peter Bat, and others (named).
[[[[HTA: 228. [f. 46] [1197-1212] Grant of Peter prior and convent to Ralph the Usurer (Fenarius) and Goda his wife of land which Stephen the Dyer (tinctor) held; rent 6s. p.a.; to hold as long as rent is paid without fraud or miskenning; gersuma 20s. sterling; witnesses, Henry mayor, Matthew the alderman, Robert Bat. ]]]]]]
C.A.D., i, A 1775. |