Description (Repository) |
prefix.] A. 2045. Grant by Thomas Jurdan and Alice his wife to Eustace,
the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 10 marcs, of a marc
yearly rent from a capital messuage with two shops in the parish of St.
Michael Candelwrihtstrate, which rent they bought of Martin Horn and
Alice his wife, daughter of the late Stephen Nicholas. Witnesses :
Walter Hervi, Mayor of London, Richard de Paris and John de Buddele;
sheriffs, and others (named). [56 Henry III.] Seal anil portion of seal.
[[[[hta 293. [f. 58v] [1271-2] Grant by Thomas Jordan and Alice his wife to Eustace prior and convent of 1 mark p.a. of quit rent from the property named in 292; canons gave for the gift 10 marks; sealed; for greater security the grantors have deposited the charter of Martin and Alice Horn with the canons; witnesses, Walter Hervi, mayor, Richard de Parys, John de Buddele, sheriffs.]]]]
C.A.D., ii, A 2045. |