Description (Repository) |
[Middx.] A. 2652. Grant by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to German Brid, fishmonger, of London, and Alice de
Esex,' his wife, of land, with houses in the parish of St. Olave towards
the Tower of London, adjoining the lane called ' Fule-lane ' on the west,
paying 30*. yearly. Witnesses : Sir Thomas son of Thomas, Mayor of
London, Edward Blund and Peter son of Anger'; sheriffs, and others
(named). [49 Henry III.]
[[[[129. [1264-.5] Grant by Gilbert prior and convent to German Brid (Bryd), fishmonger, and Alice de Essex his wife of land with houses built upon it; abutments, the land of the canons on the east and the lane called Fulelane on the west and extending from the king's highway on the south to the land which was formerly of Richard de Hakeney on the north; in breadth along the king's highway 26i ells except for a few inches and in the. middle 171 ells and in length along the lane 57+ ells and along the land of the canons on the east 46+ ells; to lease, sell or assign as they wish except to Jews and religious; rent 36s. p.a.; if they wish to lease or sell, the prior and convent to have the preference by a bezant of 2s.; swore fealty; gersuma 5 marks; chirograph sealed; witnesses, Thomas son of Thomas, mayor, Edward Blund, Peter son of Anger, sheriffs.
C.A.D., ii, A 2652.]]]]] |