Description (Repository) |
Basinges (THOMAS DE). For maintenance of the chapel of
S. Mary de Aldermannebury one mark rent of a tenement in
Smethefeud ; for lamp and chantry in the same, rents in Godronelane
in the Chepe of London1 and in the Cordwainery 2 in Chepe. To Margery his wife his capital messuage in the said parish of S. Mary, together with the advowson to the church of S. Michael de Bassieshaghe for life ; remainder to Richard his brother. Also to his said wife by way of dower certain rents in Chepe, Popcurtleslane, in the Cordwainery near Godronelane, at Berkingecherche, and elsewhere ; remainder as to one moiety of the said rents to Richard Eswy, his brother. To William de Dunolmia, Richard de Wilehale, William de Baseville, and Ralph de Pelham, chaplain, rents in Kandelwickstrete, in Holeborne, and elsewhere. Also to Eva his niece sixteen shillings rent of a tenement in the parish of Berkingecherche. Other lands and houses in the parish of
S. Mary de Aldermannebury, in Smythefeud, and in Pupekertillane
and elsewhere to be sold to pay his debts. No date.
Whereupon came some on behalf of Henry Walens' and William
de Haddestok and their sons, next heirs of the testator, as they
alleged, and put their claim upon the admission to probate of the
aforesaid testament, on the ground that the testator had assigned to
his wife a lay fee to her and her heirs, which, according to the law
and custom of the City, he could not do. Probate accordingly was
admitted so far as was consistent with the law and custom of the
Eoll 7 (48). |