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220. In the same year, Walter Hervy being chamberlain and Philip le Tayllur and Walter le Poter being sheriffs; Walter son of Gerard le Estrays, William le Batiler of Grenewiz, Maud le Estreys, Herman le Estrays and Alice de Grenewich were on the Thames in a boat overloaded with faggots. The boat sank because of the excessive weight of the faggots and Walter, Maud and William were drowned, but the others escaped alive. Value of the boat and faggots *6s. (deodandum) for which the sheriffs are to answer. The two neighbours have died. The chamberlain and sheriffs did nothing concerning Herman and Alice at the inquest, so *to judgment on them. The wards of Arnald Tedmar and William de Hadstok [Billingsgate and Tower wards] falsely valued the deodand before the chamberlain, so they are in *mercy. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. [cf. 546]