Description (Repository) |
Pleas, Tuesday next after the Feast of St. James [25 July'],
19 Edward /. [A.D. 1291], before R. de Sandwich, Warden of
London ; John de Banquell, Adam de Fuleham, and Wolmar de
Essex, Aldermen, &>c.
John Hurel attached to answer a charge of having obstructed
and assaulted Thomas Romeyn the Sheriff, and seized and
imprisoned his men sent to requisition carts for the purpose of
removing the King's wardrobe. The said John came and
denied the force and imprisonment, but confessed to not having
allowed the Sheriff to enter his house to make distress,
inasmuch as he had committed no trespass, as it seemed to him.
As to the rest he put himself on the country. And because
he confessed to not allowing the Sheriff to enter his house nor
make distress, a matter manifestly in contempt of the lord the
King, it is adjudged that he be committed to prison, and
precept is issued to the Coroner to summon twelve, &c., of
the neighbourhood who by no affinity, &c |