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Tuesday after the Feast of Nativity of St. John Bapt.
[24 June], 13 Edward I. [A.D. 1285], there came into the
Guildhall before G[regory] de Rokesle, the Mayor ; Stephen
de Cornhull and Robert de Rokesle, Sheriffs ; Stephen Aswy,
Philip the Tailor, John Fitz Peter, John de Gisors, Thomas
Box, Martin Box, William le Mazeliner, Ralph le Blound,
Robert de Arraz, Joce le Akatur, Nicholas de Winchester,
Anketin de Bettevile, Richard Aswy, Aldermen, and other
reputable men of the City Master Robert de Ros, Archdeacon
of London, and other Canons of St. Paul's, with the
King's writ as follows :
Edward, &c., to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London greeting.
Whereas, on the recent complaint of the Venerable Father
R[ichard de Gravesend], Bishop of London, and the Dean and
Chapter of St. Paul's, that Henry le Galeys, at the time that
he was Mayor of the City, had erected houses near the wall
of St. Paul's Churchyard to the prejudice of the said Bishop,
Dean, and Chapter, we sent our beloved lieges Ralph de
" Hengeham" and William de Burneton to St. Martin le Grand
in order to hear what both parties had to say in the matter, and
to view the aforesaid houses and the injury, if any ; and whereas
the said Ralph and William, having heard the matter argued
and viewed the houses and wall, returned and reported to us
that the said houses had been built to the injury of the parties
aforesaid, inasmuch as their height exceeded the height of the
wall, and the tenants threw dirt out of the windows and doors
into the churchyard, and walked to and fro the churchyard and
their houses ; and whereas they further reported that the houses
stood so near the wall that their rain water dropped on to the
wall, and the Bishop and Dean and Chapter were prevented
by the proximity of the houses to the wall from building tenements
(as they before had done) within their close for housing
canons, vicars, and other ministers, because they could make no
doorways to the King's highway ; it is therefore adjudged in
our Court that the said houses be pulled down so far as they
are prejudicial to the said Bishop and Dean and Chapter. We
therefore command you to see the said judgment executed
without delay. Witness, R[alph] de "Hengham," at Westminster,
21 June, 13 Edward I. [A.D. 1285]. |