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Patent Roll 1266-72: p 99-100
G r a n t to Philip d e Taillur, eitizen of L o n d o n , for his services to
the k i n g a n d queen, that for M s life h e b e quit of presto, prises, a nd
all m a n n e r of tallages a n d aids w h i c h could b e exacted f r o m h i m by
reason of his lands, rents or other t M n g s or m e r c h a n d i s e in the said
city or w i t h o u t ; p r o v i d e d that so often as the city is tallaged h e p ay
one mark for his tallage, and. saving to the king his due and ancient
prises : also exemption of him for life from being put on assizes, juries
or recognitions and from being made sheriff &c„ against .his will.
And Philip granted that by this charter he shall not have quittance
of any tallage assessed upon him in the city of London in respect of
the fine of 20,000 marks which the citizens made with the king for
having his good will. |