Description (Repository) |
LBF, 54-55; LetterBook F, fo. 40b-41.
The account of Thomas de Maryns, the Chamberlain of
the Guildhall, touching receipts and disbursements up to the
Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 14 Edward III. [a.d. 1340],
rendered before William de Brikelesworth, Richard de Berkynge,
John de Northhalle, Aldermen, John de Ayllesham,
Thomas de Canterbury, Reginald de Thorpe, Richard de
Kyselyngbery, John de Kelyngworth, Robert de Shordiche,
John de Croydone, John de Bredstrete, and Richard de Lambhuthe,
commoners, appointed [auditors] by the Mayor, Alder-
men, and Commonalty, Thursday the Feast of St. Matthew,
Ap. [21 Sept.], 14 Edward III. [a.d. 1340].
Total of receipts, £274 t>s. ^kd.
Total of expenses, £283 gs. y{d.
Among- receipts there occur the following :—From the last
account and from John Hardyngham, 1 i8j. 4^. ; from redemptions
of freedom and apprenticeships, £96 \gs. ^d. ; from Alan
Gille and his fellow-Wardens of the Bridge, by loan, £30 ; from
arrears for springalds, £ 1 3 9.J. ; from ox-hides and tallow, 3OJ.
from John de Portenar for a fine, 40^. ; from Ralph de Uptone
for arrears on account of armed men on the sea, £7 Os. lod. ;
from money for deficiency of men sent to Orewell, £11 $s.;
from Anketin Gisors and Robert Swote, late Wardens of the
Bridge, £19; receipts of murage, £53 ljs. lOd.; the bailiwick
of Suthewerk, £15.
Among expenses there occur the following, viz. :—For presents
sent to the Archbishop and William de la Pole on their
return from abroad, temp. Henry Darci, £26 <^s. io\d. ; for
robes for the Earl of Salisbury and others and presents sent to
Elizabeth de Mountagu and to the Pleaders of the Bench,
£40 8s. 6d. ; a present to Henry de Ferers and other expenses,
£21 os. igd.; courtesies given by Andrew Aubry, the Mayor,
to Geoffrey Lescrop and others, £34 12s. ; for gifts to the
Bishop of London on his enthronement, £37 3.J. &,d. ; expenses
of mangonels, £24 gs. "]\d. ; and payments made to William
Altecar touching the ferm of the bailiwick of Suthewerk, £15. |