Description (Repository) |
Ward of Henry le Waleys.—Sunday the Feast of St. Lucia
[13 Dec. J, the same year, information given to the Chamberlain
and Sheriffs that Roger Caury, "boUere,"^ was lying dead in
the King's highway opposite the house of William le Maceler.
Inquest thereon. The jurors (drawn from the above Ward and
the Ward of Chepe) find that the said Rog-er had been seized
with the falling- sickness {morbo cadiico) on the preceding- Saturday
on leaving the tavern of Thomas Box, where he had been
drinking until curfew ; and that by reason of that disease, and
through his own drunkenness and the extreme cold, he had died
there by misadventure.
The two nearest neighbours were attached, viz., William le Maceler by Laurence le Gaunter and Geoffrey Russel ; and Robert de Assendone by Robert de Hakene and Richard le Callere.
And the aforesaid Thomas, in whose house the deceased had been drinking, was attached by Roger le Botoner and Geoffrey le Botoner. |