Description (Repository) |
Liberate in a month from Easter to Ralph Aswy and John de Gisorz for 16 tuns of wine of the prise, which they took for the king's use at London when they were in the place of the king's chamberlain of London, to wit from the morrow of St. Martin, in the 21st year, until the octaves of the Innocents, in the same year ; and at the same term to Jordan de Covintre 32Z. 4s. for 14 tuns of wine that Ralph and John bought from him for the king's use, to wit 465. a tun ; and at the same term to Walter le Cutiller 17Z. 12s. for eight tuns of wine of Anjou, to wit 445. a tun, which Ralph and John bought from him for the king's use ; and to Fortis. de Burdegal[a] at the same term for 12 tuns of Gascony wine, which Ralph and John bought from him for the king's use, to wit 455. for each tun ; and at the same term to Ralph and John 495. 8^d. for carrying 30 tuns of wine from London to Westminster and for barring and hooping {barrandis et circulandis) and for ullage {oilagio) thereof and for other small costs, and for carrying 2 tuns of wine from Sandwich to London and there unloading them. Of the aforesaid wines Ralph and John delivered 15 tuns to the sheriffs of London to be carried to Windesor' and 5 tuns to be carried to Kenynton, and 30 remained in the cellar at Westminster, |