Description (Repository) |
Geo.ffrey de Wynton and Thomas de Basing, citizens of London, n?t without. troub.le and inconvenience, have obligingly (gratante) aided the king with 2144[l.] 3 marks and 4d . of their own and o~her men's money lent to them by certain creditors, to save the king harmless lest he incur disherison of his lands against the king
of France, and to deliver his lan ds against him, as the king has
already written to the treasurer and barons, and as he understands
that account has been rendered in the Exchequer between
the said Geoffrey and Thomas and t he citizens of London, who
are bound to satisfy them and save them harmless out of the
fine they lately made with the king, which they are not doing,
whereby Geoffrey and Thomas are incurring grievous expense,
co_ntrary to the promise of the king and the citizens made in good
faith. Mandate to the treasurer and barons to induce the
citizens effectively, as they desire to avoid the king's indignation
and to find favour with him in t heir business, to satisfy Geoffrey
and Thomas as they are bound ; or else to distrain them by t heir
lands and chattels and all their goods so that Geoffrey and
Thomas shall incur no further damage or loss through the help
which they have so obligingly given, and no further complaint
shall reach the king in the matter. |