Description (Repository) |
May zo. West111i11ster. To William Hardel, king's clerk, for z4 king's crossbowmen and z4 king's serjeants, 96/. in part payment of their liveries for 40. days; fo~ .Adam Cok,40s. arrears of his livery for 40 days; for Erneburga late the wife of Philip le Breton (Britonis), king's serjeant, 40s. of his gift; for 3 crossbowmen receiving 7td. a day, 75s. in part payment of their liveries for 40 days; for Gwillot the Smith of the Tower of London, 131. 4d. in like payment; for William Haket, Nicholas de Treylly, Hugh Graundin, William Russel, William de Fanecurt, Bartholomew Bigod and William de Cumaundas, 5111. each, and for Richard Carbunel, Matthew Morel, Geoffrey de Belstede, Peter de Burton, Henry de Sancto Hyllario and Frank de Bresn', 40s. each, of the king's
gift; for Thomas de Gorges zo/., for Alan son of Warin 10/., for Robert de Pav illy 10111., for Geoffrey de Abrincis 7/., for Richard de Burgo 1 0111. and for John Talebot 10/. , of arrears of their yearly fees; for masters Nicholas, Hugh and William, king's carpenters, 40s., and for master Burnell, king's carpenter, 131. ¥ ., in part payment of their liveries; for Ellis the Plumber, Alvred Trescier 1, Boniface2 and Eymery de Rupella, 40s. of the king's gift; and for William the king's miner, 6s. 8d. in part payment of his liver y; to Josee son of Peter 10/. for the king's converts of London; to John de Colemere, king's clerk, 140/. for wines taken for the king in London and Southampton against Easter last. |