Description (Repository) |
Grant to Hamo Lestrange and his heirs of the houses with their appurtenances and rents in the city of London late of John Everard, sometime citizen of London, the king's enemy, so that he do the due and accustomed service.
The like to the following, of like houses in London :—
Richard de Exemuth, those in Sutwerke, late of Walter de Molesham.
Roger le Estraunge, a capital messuage late of Peter Hardel.
Robert le Estraunge, a capital messuage late of John de Turri.i
John de Mucegros, houses with shops and other appurtenances in Wodestrete, late of Thomas son of Thomas, sometime mayor of London.
John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, those at Cornehull late of Hugh de Nevill.
Geoffrey de Genvill, houses in Paternosterstret called la Ryoll in the, parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, late of Thomas Bat.
Robert de Cheny, a capital messuage late of Robert le Furmayer.
Roger le Tailur, houses m the parish of St. Pancras late of William Gratefige.
Grimbald de Pauncefot, a capital messuage in the street of the Thames near Billesgate, late of William de la Cornere. |