Description (Repository) |
Enrolment of release and surrender by Alice, late the wife of Simon de Beveriaco, to Henry le Waleys, citizen of London, of her right in name of dower or otherwise in all the land with buildings on it, embankments (dimgiis), liberties, eto., that Henry had of the gift and demise of Simon in the town of Boston. For this release and surrender Henry gave her 4 marks beforehand. For greater security, she has caused this deed to be enrolled in the rolls of ehaneery. Witnesses: Nicholas de Wintonpa], Henry de Coventr[eia], sheriffs of London ; John Aldrian (sic) and John Horn, aldermen 3 Thomas Box, Bobert de Ar&z, Thomas Heyron, Simon de Gisaors, John <le Wormele. Bated at London, on 7 Mjtreh, 2 Edward I. |