Description (Repository) |
Sunday the eve of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 14 Edward II.
[a.d. 1320], William Prodhomme, fishmong-er, and Reg-inald
de Conduit, vintner, elected Sheriffs by Hamo de Chig-ewelle,
the Mayor, N[icholas] de Farndone, R[og-erj de Frow3'k,
Ank[etin] de Gisorz, E[lias] de Suffolk, J[ohn] Cotun, G[eoffrey]
Hertpol, J[ohn] de Gisorz, S[imon] de Parys, H[enry] de
Seccheford, H[ugh] de "Barton,"' W[illiam] de Hedersete,
J[ohn] Poyntel, and W[illiam] de Caustone, Aldermen, and
by the whole Commonalty, and sworn, &c. |