Description (Repository) |
Afterwards it happened that the aforesaid Richard de Welleford died on Saturday before Christmas the year annum aforesaid afterwards, on Wednesday after the Feast of the Circumcision
next ensuing, in the presence of J[ohn] de Gisors, the Mayor,
Nicholas de Farndone, William de Leire, John de Wengrave,
Henry de Durham, Roger de Fro\v)k, Nigel Druri, Stephen de
Abyndone, William Servat, Henry de Gloucestre, Simon Bolet,
Anketyn de Gisorz, Aldermen, and six or more from each
Ward, &c., Adam Ludekyn was elected Sheriff of London in
the place of the aforesaid Richard, and afterwards, in the octave
of St. Hillary, was admitted at the Exchequer. And the same
day came Stephen de Stonham and Adam Ludekyn, and
mainprised for keeping the City harmless and quit for the whole
time of his Shrievalty, by bond of all their goods, lands, and
tenements. |