Description (Repository) |
Afterwards, viz., on Monday before Easter [n April] the
same year [A.D. 1322], there being assembled at the Guildhall
Hamo de Chigewell, the Mayor, Nicholas de Farndone, Richard
de Gloucestre, John de Boreford, Elias de Suffolk, Robert de
Swalclyve, Roger de Frowik, Roger le Palmere, and Hugh
de Gartone, Aldermen, Richard Costantyn and Richard de
Hakeneie, Sheriffs, and the Commonalty, it was agreed that 3$.
in the pound on rents should be levied, so that the sum arising
out of rents may amount to 1,000, and that on movables 500
marks in all should be levied, so that out of the said money the
debts of the City might be fully discharged, and satisfaction
likewise done to the jurors at the Iter. |